When I see the homeless on street corners, it tugs at my heartstrings. However, the one time I stopped and offered to give all the groceries I had just purchased to the homeless man, he said to me, "I don't want your food lady. I need cash." So now, every time I see a homeless person, I go home, stick some money in a jar and when it gets full, I donate it to our local homeless shelter.
Another idea: carry gift certificates for meals at McDonalds in your wallet or glove compartment of your car and offer that. If he's really hungry, he'll take it.
If you know of a place where the homeless (or jobless) convene looking for handouts or work, go through a drive-thru with a cheap dollar menu (like Taco Bell or Wendy's), and you can feed A LOT of people for twenty bucks! Drop off the bag of goodies at lunch-time.
If you know of a place where the homeless (or jobless) convene looking for handouts or work, go through a drive-thru with a cheap dollar menu (like Taco Bell or Wendy's), and you can feed A LOT of people for twenty bucks! Drop off the bag of goodies at lunch-time.