Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Can I Donate Quilts to the TROOPS?

phrogster1 answers:

There are a couple of very reliable places that send quilts to those in military service and to veterans.

One is Quilts of Valor and the local group gave out two quilts today at the Veteran's Day program I attended. They have organizations in many states so you should be able to contact someone locally about your quilts.

The other is Operation Quiet Comfort. They would accept the jeans quilts. They also accept quilt squares from jeans that have messages on them and sew them into quilts that are then sent to wounded troops. I also know this group is reliable because of past experience with them through Girl Scouts. Many Girl Scout troops send quilt squares to them. They also have a Yahoo! group that they ask people to join so they can share information about the quilts that are sent.

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